Instead of following the plan they all panicked
At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the head of the Swedish Public Health Agency, Anders Tegnell, said on TV that he had participated in one of the regular conferences on preparedness for pandemics organized by Johns Hopkins. "Everyone agreed on how to tackle the pandemic" he said, "then everyone went home and did the opposite!"
The Global Health Security (GHS) index is the first comprehensive evaluation of health security and preparedness in the countries of the world.
Higher up means higher aggregate preparedness to meet threats to the population's health. The size of the circles shows the population of each country. This graph was retrieved from the Internet on 2020-06-06 and is now replaced by other similar information. The index is run by Johns Hopkins and run by an international panel of prominent experts:
Johns Hopkins is an internationally recognized role model in innovative evidence-based medicine and now leads the fight against COVID-19. When the herd panics, we follow the leaders down the cliff. In the posts on this page, we try to avoid expressing opinions about what happened. The contents are mostly officially published information that has been overlooked by media.